This Baron had several pieces of outdated or obsolete avionics. Previous modifications and upgrades had left empty holes in the floating instrument panel. The owner was ready for a panel rework.
We removed the old Loran, NavCom 1, and RNAV to make room for more modern equipment. At the same time the panel was rearranged to place the equipment in a more logical order.
The existing radar was relocated below the new GNS-530 which will become the primary navigation instrument. Garmin recently announced a NEXRAD weather overlay which will be installed as soon as it becomes available allowing real time satellite weather to be overlaid on the 530.
A Goodrich WX-500 Stormscope was installed and the output is displayed on the GNS-530
The floating instrument panel was welded, machined, and repainted; allowing the instruments to be located for the most ergonomic and safe configuration for instrument flying.