Robbie Greer
Robbie graduated from North American Institution of Aviation in Conway, South Carolina, where he completed a 1120 clock hour Avionics Repair and Installation program.
with a background education in marketing, business management, metal machining, drafting, and computer programming.
Robbie holds:
- FAA Repairman Certificate
- FAA Airframe Certificate
- FAA Powerplant Certificate
- FCC License
- FCC Radar Endorsement
- MECP Certificate (Mobile Electronics Certified Professional)
- FAA Commercial multi-engine Instrument Rated Pilot
Robbie formerly owned and operated an automotive electronics store for 6 years.
Robbie worked 3 years at Briggs-Shaffner in: production machining, tool making, quality control, foundry, and metallurgy.
He has a long history of various carpentry & construction experience as well.